Friday, October 29, 2004

What does this 'yet-another-blog' really do?

Hi to all the fellow ppl who have been looking forward for my personalized blog to kick over. It has been a while since I started this blog but as you can see, it was lamentably deprived of entries. Keeping no pretensions, I think its time to start over.

A few things about the blog: I called it aatman, meaning "the self", to deliberate about certain varied and no-so-varied notions of the individuals, myself in this case, as well as that of the society. I would like to discuss in my blog, social, political, economic as well as technological impressions that every individual has on this so-called third world country in the form of I-N-D-I-A. I would also like the innovations and the inventions of all the possible facets leading us to the path of development, to serve as the main cause.

Happy blogging!